Text or Call 403 473 5900
brucebrady @ hotmail . com (no spaces)
6 AM – 10 PM (7 days a week)
Keller William Real Estate Brokerage
For the past 20 years we have built countless ICF Solid Concrete and Standard Stick Frame Custom Homes and Mansions, Multifamily, Movable, Modular and Commercial buildings. We are hands on every step of the way and can build most any home in 3-5 months foundation to finish. We specialize in ICF homes. Enjoy our website and we look forward to working with you.
Sincerely Bruce the Builder and Armageddon Homes Ltd.
ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) is the ‘Gold Standard’ of building systems, superior to standard construction. Made from polystyrene foam blocks with a steel reinforced solid concrete core, ICF homes are the ultimate choice for upgradable unmatched durability, energy efficiency, and security. These homes are highly customizable and can be upgraded with nature- and criminal-proof features, bullet-resistant windows, and self-sustaining systems like geothermal, solar power, and rainwater catchment. With smart tech and off-grid capabilities, ICF homes provide lasting protection and independence in any environment.
For years we have built countless custom homes, mansions and multi-family for a variety of builders, realtors, developers and private clients. We offer standard concrete foundations, wood frame structures and lock-up to turnkey services including;
For years we have taken our knowledge of building to build movable homes, cottages and tiny home including
Where Builder Meets Bond
Armageddon Homes is the brain child of Bruce Brady (aka Bruce the Builder); a highly experienced Businessman, Builder and Realtor who has designed and built countless Custom Homes, Mansions, Multi-family, Commercial, Movable and Modular buildings out of a variety of building methods including ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms.)
Bruce also invested in a US Private Military Partnership Company as he believes nothing is more important than protecting Freedom and Democracy around the World. He decided to combine these two endeavors to design and build high end Nature & Criminal Proof Solid Concrete ICF Armageddon Homes.
Bruce built my house in 2/3 the time and 10 times the quality of my neighbors homes in our development.
Bruce took over building our home from another builder. He fixed the builders mistakes and caught up to our schedule.
Bruce is fast, efficient, clean and ensured the building was cribbed, framed and locked up and backfilled quickly.
Text or Call 403 473 5900
brucebrady @ hotmail . com (no spaces)
6 AM – 10 PM (7 days a week)
Keller William Real Estate Brokerage
We can build you almost any home on the planet in 3-6 months foundation to finish depending on size and complexity. Movable and modular we can build for you in 23-28 days. We also offer full National Home Warranty on our homes 1 year interior finishes, 5 years exterior finishes, 10 years foundation and structure.